Thursday, July 9, 2009


A first research on the Bleyer family has brought an encounter with a 75 year old man from the Bleyer dynasty. Looking for a Bleyer/Bleier/Pleijer family in the cemetery in Landsee gave me immediately an impuls. I found the grave of Stefan and Elisabeth Bleyer. People on the street could (coincidently?) show me the house of their son, Friedrich Bleyer.
The man was home and happy to talk to me about his ancestors. Altough it's still a bit in the dark if his family is connected to mine, it was a really nice encounter. To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Erg interessant project, fascinerend en inspirerend. Op zoek naar je eigen verleden. Je wordt op de voet gevolg!
    Dat je moge vinden waar je naar zoekt.

    Al het goede,

    Goldie en Cosmo
